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Spiritually Minded Women Podcast

Apr 8, 2020

The past three episodes have been centered around the invitations President Nelson gave in preparation for April 2020 General Conference. Episode 87 is my personal story about how I came to know President Nelson is a prophet. Spoiler alert: My testimony didn't come instantly and it took a lot of time and work.

Episode Summary

In today's episode I am sharing my experiences of getting to the point where I could say, "I know President Nelson is a prophet of God."

I did not feel an instant connection with President Nelson.  I didn’t immediately jump on board the minute he was called as the prophet. Yes, I raised my hand to sustain him and that is what I tried to do with all my heart, but I also had to “wrestle” with the Lord like Enos in Enos 1:2 or  Alma in Alma 8:10 describe in the Book of Mormon.

My testimony that Russell M. Nelson is a living prophet came slowly and “line upon line” as we read in Isaiah 28.

I had experienced seeing a prophet die and a new one be called several times in my life and had never struggled with knowing the new prophet was called of God. 

In the episode you'll hear the different experiences I had and the answers to prayers I received in gaining my testimony of President Nelson as the prophet.

If you wrestle with something spiritual, please know that other people do too. You may not see it in the little squares of Instagram or just by looking at them in the pew in front of you at church, but everyone struggles.

It’s OK to struggle, to question and even to wrestle with God. There is no harm in that. The harm comes when we give up and think we aren’t worthy or will never know for ourselves.

My hope in sharing my story is it will  illustrate to you it’s not always a cut and dried process and if you keep trying, you really can know for yourself.

Thank you for listening. I hope you will feel through the Spirit the message God has for you at this time in your life.

Episode Links

President Nelson's first press conference after becoming the prophet
President Nelson's October 2018 talk, Sisters Participation in the Gathering of Israel
Hope of Israel Worldwide Devotional for Youth: Messages from President and Sister Nelson
President Nelson's October 2019 talks, Spiritual Treasures and Closing Remarks
President Nelson's biography by Sheri Dew, Insights from a Prophet's Life

Related Episodes

SMM 084: A Resource to Help You Learn How You Hear Jesus || Darla Trendler
SMM 085: Acting on the Prophet’s Invitations at a Hinge Point in Church History || Darla Trendler
SMM 086: Blessings of the Prophet’s Invitations || Listener Call-in Show

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